When the night had veild the pole; In the morning glad I see; my foe outstretchd beneath the tree. But the type that, nomatter where when or whats happening, mad, sad, glad...
A few things about me: Normal, sane, easy going Respectful, considerate wanna have sex - expect the same D&D free, non-smoker Professional career so need to be discreet. The Mrs horny house wives is currently on maternity leave taking care of our young family.I'm thrilled to connect with someone who's ready to embark on a journey of connection and exploration. The philosophy I live by is "The horny house wives days are long but the years are short." I want to try all the things I've always wanted to do.
Can find humour in just about anything. I'm a personal trainer, yoga instructor wanna have sex and a Flexolgist. Not into being dominated I need total control when I ride a man.